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Rainy Day Driving Problems And Fault

When it rains, it doesn't just pour, it can also cause accidents to happen. Even though many might guess that icy roads are worse than wet ones, it's wet roads, with or without snow or ice, that create the most dangerous conditions for drivers. The reasons for that are explained below, along with how you can know who is to blame after a rainy day accident.

The Problem With Wet Roads

Slick roads can prevent a driver's brakes from stopping them in time. When brakes get wet, they can lose some of their stopping power. Drivers accustomed to being able to stop suddenly might find themselves skidding into a car rather than coming to a complete stop. That is partially the fault of the wet roadway as well as the brakes. Traction is tougher to achieve when water is present, too. Take a look at a few other wet-day driving issues:

  • Wet roads can take the oils and other slippery substances present on the road and make things even more slippery
  • When drivers cannot see properly because of the rain hitting their windshield, they could fail to properly judge distances or fail to see another vehicle in time to stop
  • Turns can become dangerous when you add water. As the tires fail to properly grip the road during a bend, it can send the car into other vehicles on the road or off the road completely

Who Is At Fault When a Rainy Day Accident Happens?

Wet roads can create more opportunities for accidents, but weather alone is no excuse for causing an accident. Drivers are supposed to use more care when road conditions deteriorate so that accidents can be avoided. If you have been hit by another driver on a wet roadway, that in no way mitigates fault. You can take action against them for causing the accident and be paid money damages. On the other hand, you may be the one that struck another driver instead of the other way around.

Whether or not you are at fault depends on the circumstances. For example, you cannot be held liable if a driver skids directly into your lane of travel and you had no choice but to collide with them. However, you might be held liable if you could not stop in time at an intersection and caused a rear-end collision.

If rainy weather meant an accident for you and you ended up with physical injuries, speak to a personal injury lawyer about your case right away.